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Kinetics of Nitrous Oxide and Methane Production in Relation to Soil Redox Potential and Mitigation

来源: 日期:2018/06/12浏览量:关闭


    Kinetics of Nitrous Oxide and Methane Production in Relation to Soil Redox Potential and Mitigation of Their Emissions from Irrigated Rice Fields


    The major objective of this study is to find a feasible management practice to mitigate the cumulative global warming potential (GWP) from CH4 and N2O emission in an irrigated rice field. The study concludes that the best management practice is to keep the fields non-flooded but wet with organic matter addition, which can largely reduce the GWP from the fields with no decrease in rice yield.


    Kewei Yu   Associate Professor


Dr. Kewei Yu serves as an associate professor with tenure at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Troy University, Alabama, USA.

Dr. Yu has a diverse interdisciplinary training of education, from biochemistry (BS) to microbial ecology (MS) and wetland biogeochemistry (PhD). He is teaching a wide range of courses at Troy University, scoping from a first-year undergraduate general biology course to a senior graduate seminar course in biological and environmental sciences, where he enjoys the most these two extreme ends of the course offerings.

Over his career, Dr. Yu has a working experience across US, China, Australia and several European countries. Most of his research is in wetland biogeochemistry associated with global climate change, and recently with biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, with over 100 peer-reviewed publications.

Most of Dr. Yu’s professional service has been dedicated to Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, a prestigious Science Citation Index (SCI) journal with over 50 years’ history. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.







主办单位:沈阳农业大学研究生院(学科建设处)    地址:沈阳市东陵路120号    邮编:110866    版权所有:沈阳农业大学研究生院(学科建设处)   备案号:辽ICP备05001374号
